Fall Food Roundup

September/October 2024

Louisiana Baptist Churches have provided non-perishable groceries, paper products, and cleaning supplies through our annual Fall Food Roundup since the early 1900's. In just four weeks, LBCH cottage dads and staff drive across the state, stop at about 450 church collection points, and pick up about twenty U-Haul truckloads of items. God works through these cooperative efforts to provide the non-perishable food needs for the Children's Home for an entire year! Money from the Roundup is used to purchase milk, bread, eggs, meat, and fresh produce needed throughout the year.

Our Fall Food Roundup information is mailed to LBC churches in July. The 2024 Fall Food Roundup Needs List and Pickup Schedule will be posted when available. Please contact Matt Coker, Associate Director of Development & Public Relations, at 318.343.2244 or if you would like to participate or need more information.

"God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food..." We at the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home are grateful to God for His daily provisions. We are also grateful for friends like you and your church who serve as the hands and feet of Jesus by participating in our annual Fall Food Roundup.

Thank you for demonstrating Christ’s sacrificial love in such a practical way. You literally help feed our children for an entire year through your generous contributions.

Fall Food Roundup contributions may include any commercially canned or processed foods, dry goods, paper products, toiletry items, cleaning supplies, and money. The money received from the Roundup will be used to purchase milk, bread, eggs, meat, and fresh produce needed throughout the year.

Our Roundup trucks will pick up groceries from Monday, September 9 through Monday, October 7, 2024. A schedule is enclosed with dates, pick-up locations, and a specific needs list. These are also available at

You will also find our 2024 Fall Food Roundup poster enclosed. We’ll be happy to send you additional copies at no cost. Please call us at 318.343.2244 or email Sarah at

Thank you in advance for sharing your love and your groceries with the children in our care. Please know how much we value your partnership with us. You are meeting needs and changing lives every day at your Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home!


Your gift provides love, care, and hope in Christ for children and families in need. 56% of all funding comes from individuals and churches. We receive no state or federal funding for the care of children. All gifts are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.


PO Box 4196
Monroe, Louisiana 71211

7200 DeSiard Street
Monroe, Louisiana 71203

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Residential Child Care

Short-Term Crisis Care for Children

Home Place - Residential Family Care

Granberry - Christian Counseling

Connect 1 Child - Foster and Adoption Ministries

Women’s Learning Center

Orphan's Embrace

Compassion for Kids

Minister Care Residential Program

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