Summer 2020

Download HomeNews - July/August 2020

Summer 2020 

It's different but it's good! Summer 2020 at the Children's Home has certainly been different but it has most certainly been good. It has been different because of the Covid-19 crisis and its limitations. Summer has also been different because the construction of our new recreation center has limited activities on campus for the children. You can imagine how much they have missed the pool and gym.

But it's good! This summer has been good because you have provided so many new ways for our children to enjoy their days. One of the new activities on campus is playing Gaga Ball. If you aren't familiar with Gaga Ball, it's a variation of dodge ball played inside an enclosed arena (see picture). The children love it and the staff enjoy watching the kids play. The children have also enjoyed other special activities like a gigantic water slide. Some of the cottage parents even gave it a try. The children have enjoyed snow cone days, ice cream days, and more. Summer has been different but summer has been good. Thank you so much for the joy and laughter of our children.

As we look forward to the rest of this year and beyond, we are excited about the opportunities God has provided for us to share His love, care, and hope. Our HomePlace ministry for homeless children and their mothers is making a significant impact on those families. Christian Women's Job Corps is helping many of the women complete their high school education and move toward independence. Our Granberry Counseling Centers are restoring families through professional Christian counseling. Connect 1:27 is reaching couples who are called to Foster Care and Adoption ministries. Compassion for Kids is providing life essentials for hundreds of children in need through partnerships with local churches. Our Orphans Embrace ministry is reaching the next generation in Haiti through our orphanage and school.

These are challenging times but God is using your gifts every day to meet needs and change lives in Jesus' name. I cannot thank you enough for your faithful and generous support. With your help, we will continue to share God's love and hope in Christ for children and families in need. May the Lord bless you as you have blessed our children and families at LBCH.



Your gift provides love, care, and hope in Christ for children and families in need. 56% of all funding comes from individuals and churches. We receive no state or federal funding for the care of children. All gifts are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.


PO Box 4196
Monroe, Louisiana 71211

7200 DeSiard Street
Monroe, Louisiana 71203

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What We Do

Residential Child Care

Short-Term Crisis Care for Children

Home Place - Residential Family Care

Granberry - Christian Counseling

Connect 1 Child - Foster and Adoption Ministries

Women’s Learning Center

Orphan's Embrace

Compassion for Kids

Minister Care Residential Program

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