Building Blocks and Building Lives

Download HomeNews - Sept/Oct 2020

Have you ever noticed how children can become obsessed with building blocks? The blocks might be the old wooden type with letters and numbers. They may be Lincoln Logs or Legos. But children often become obsessed with placing one block on top of the other or linking the blocks together to build something. If the blocks fall down or come apart, the child simply starts over because they are obsessed with building.

At the Children's Home, we are also obsessed with building. We are obsessed with building lives. Most of our children come to us with shattered lives. They have been torn down emotionally, mentally, and even physically. The trauma they have experienced has taken a great toll on their minds and their hearts.

But we all know that God is in the life restoring, life building business. His love can heal any wound. He can restore even the most damaged life. Here at LBCH, we seek to rebuild the lives of our children emotionally. We try to create an atmosphere that provides the nurture and support needed for healthy emotional growth. We foster confidence through stability. We help build the child's sense of trust through unconditional love.

Our ultimate goal, however, is to build a spiritual legacy for our children. Few of them have ever been active in a local church. Most have never heard the Good News. Through cottage devotionals, church attendance, and by providing Christian role models, our staff help the children know that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. They learn how to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus. We help them understand how to live a godly, Christian life and how to serve others.

Yes! We are obsessed with building at LBCH. We are obsessed with building stable, healthy, spiritual lives for children in need. Thank you so much for serving as a vital partner in this work. Without your support, our children would continue to struggle emotionally, spiritually, and in many other ways. But because of your investment, our children are growing into all that God has for them. May the Lord bless you as you have blessed His children at your Louisiana Baptist Children's Home.


Your gift provides love, care, and hope in Christ for children and families in need. 56% of all funding comes from individuals and churches. We receive no state or federal funding for the care of children. All gifts are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.


PO Box 4196
Monroe, Louisiana 71211

7200 DeSiard Street
Monroe, Louisiana 71203

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What We Do

Residential Child Care

Short-Term Crisis Care for Children

Home Place - Residential Family Care

Granberry - Christian Counseling

Connect 1 Child - Foster and Adoption Ministries

Women’s Learning Center

Orphan's Embrace

Compassion for Kids

Minister Care Residential Program

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