Providing a Father for the Fatherless

Download HomeNews - May/June, 2019

Dear Friend of Children,

Nina* is an adorable eight-year-old who came into our care about eight months ago. She loves her parents, but they are unable to care for her because of their long-term drug abuse. She and her two siblings were living in a shedwith a garden hose for running water.

Thanks to the generosity of Louisiana Baptists, Nina has her own room in a loving, caring home that&rsquos safe from hurt. Her cottage parents are teaching her the ABCs of salvation. Nina is asking lots of questions and learning what it means to trust Jesus as her personal Savior. Because of our partnership in the gospel, you and your church are meeting the needs of neglected, abused, and abandoned children like Nina and sharingthe love of our heavenly Father with them.

On June 16, Father's Day, churches across our state will be taking up the 2019 Children&rsquos Home Sunday Annual Offering. What better time to demonstrate God&rsquos heart of compassion for the fatherless than on Father&rsquos Day.

Please know how grateful I am for your prayers and support for the children God places in our care!


*Name changed to protect confidentiality.


Your gift provides love, care, and hope in Christ for children and families in need. 56% of all funding comes from individuals and churches. We receive no state or federal funding for the care of children. All gifts are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.


PO Box 4196
Monroe, Louisiana 71211

7200 DeSiard Street
Monroe, Louisiana 71203

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Residential Child Care

Short-Term Crisis Care for Children

Home Place - Residential Family Care

Granberry - Christian Counseling

Connect 1 Child - Foster and Adoption Ministries

Women’s Learning Center

Orphan's Embrace

Compassion for Kids

Minister Care Residential Program

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