Granberry Counseling Centers

Counseling Services

We help people enjoy life more fully!

We help couples improve their relationships in areas such as communication, conflict/anger management, financial management, and sexual intimacy. We help parents and their children manage some of the difficult times of growing up including school-related issues. We help people overcome traumatic life experiences such as loss of a loved one, divorce, sexual violations or abortion. We assist victims of violence and those who are burdened by caregiving. 

Our counselors are board approved to offer tele-counseling for those who are unable to attend counseling in person.

Whether your situation is a result of stress, anger, grief, conflict, drug and alcohol abuse, or some other issue, we can help you and your family enjoy life again. Be assured that your visit with us will be strictly confidential, including all phone calls.

Our Services Include Help with the Following:


Affairs and Adultery

Whether you have been married for 30 years or 30 days, you are perhaps never really immune to an extramarital affair. Statistics and research show that about one third of married men and one quarter of married women admit to having had at least one extramarital sexual act. When you factor "emotional affairs" wherein the spouse has entered into an intimate (but not yet sexual) friendship with a friend of the opposite sex, the estimates are higher than 50%. Extramarital affairs don't only happen for sex. People enter into an affair for a variety of reasons:

At Granberry Counseling Centers, we strive to provide insight, encouragement and practical advice to anyone whose marriage has been thwarted by an act of infidelity. We can help couples to avoid and/or end extramarital affairs and help to facilitate healing, understanding and forgiveness in the wake of an affair. We can assist couples in maintaining their marriage vows of fidelity to God and to one another.


Boundaries for Teenagers

Dare we say this to the parents of a modern-day teenager? "R-e-l-a-x!"

Seriously, we recognize that life can be very, very stressful during the sometimes turbulent years of raising adolescents. But, you (and your nerves) CAN survive and even thrive as you shift from being only an authoritarian figure into being the wise and cheerful role model that your teen sorely needs. When your teen is rebellious, withdrawn, uninterested and disrespectful, parents can feel completely overwhelmed and underprepared.

At Granberry Counseling Centers, our clinically-trained therapists can gladly help you to set healthy boundaries with your teenagers. We can help you learn how and when to wisely say "Yes," and likewise when to say "No." We can provide both parents and teens with counseling that will help facilitate a healthy and rich home environment.


Parental Healing

All adult sons and daughters know how influential their mother and father have been in their lives. Sometimes their influence is a stabilizing force in our adult lives. Sometimes, sadly, the disappointments of a fractured, unhealthy relationship with our parents cause us to feel emotionally frozen. If your mother or father were not the kind, loving and wise influences that all children need, there is hope. Perhaps your parents abandoned you, were abusive or emotionally neglectful. Perhaps you were separated from your mother or father by death or divorce.

At Granberry Counseling Centers, our skilled therapists can help you to open up about your hurt and find healing, real healing.



In this day of 24/7 high-speed Internet, multimedia phones and ever-present social media, the threat of pornography to the sanctity of marriage and family is growing exponentially.

How do parents protect their children from pornography?

How do spouses guard against the invasion of pornography?

Where does one turn when pornography has become an addiction?

At Granberry Counseling Centers, our therapists will offer help and hope to those whose lives have been negatively impacted by the increasing presence of pornography.


EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a powerful psychotherapy approach that has helped over an estimated two million people of all ages relieve many types of psychological distress.

In 1987, psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro made the chance observation that eye movements can reduce the intensity of disturbing thoughts, under certain conditions. Dr. Shapiro studied this effect scientifically, and in a 1989 issue of the Journal of Traumatic Stress, she reported success using EMDR therapy to treat victims of trauma. Since then, EMDR therapy has developed and evolved through the contributions of therapists and researchers all over the world.

Today, EMDR therapy is a set of standardized protocols that incorporate elements from many different treatment approaches. EMDR is designated as an effective treatment by the American Psychiatric Association, the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and more.


We also Conduct Seminars and Retreats

Other topics available upon request


Your gift provides love, care, and hope in Christ for children and families in need. 56% of all funding comes from individuals and churches. We receive no state or federal funding for the care of children. All gifts are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.


PO Box 4196
Monroe, Louisiana 71211

7200 DeSiard Street
Monroe, Louisiana 71203

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What We Do

Residential Child Care

Short-Term Crisis Care for Children

Home Place - Residential Family Care

Granberry - Christian Counseling

Connect 1 Child - Foster and Adoption Ministries

Women’s Learning Center

Orphan's Embrace

Compassion for Kids

Minister Care Residential Program

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